SunSpot Observations

2 September 2012:

Once again....

        Last one month sun was little quite. But on 31 Aug. 2012 the activity has begian once again. Here is my observation on 2nd September 2012.  Followed by the content of NOAA/NWS website.

Solar Radiation Storm levels have increased above the S1 (Minor) threshold in response to a filament eruption observed late on August 31st. The solar flare/radio blackout associated with this event was below the R-scale event thresholds. Geomagnetic Storm levels are forecast to reach the G1 (Minor) level with a chance for G2 (Moderate) level activity on September 3rd, with arrival of the coronal mass ejection expected early that day.




16 July 2012:

Giant Sunspot…

Just few days before giant sunspot from Active Region 1520 (AR1520) given out a massive flare towards earth which is striking the earth from 14th July...

According to NASA and the Space Weather Prediction Center (SPWC) the sun storm registered as an X1.4-class solar flare which is more powerful than the X1.1 flare that erupted on July 6 from another giant sunspot known as AR1515. Following graph shows the effects happening now....


(Credit: NOAA/NWS;

Last few months sun is been seen with many such sunspots on it indicating the solar maxima of its  Solar Cycle 24, and it has been predicted that this show will go on till the next year...

Let US see what happens NEXT…

Sunspots as on 15th July 2012

(Also shows the shift in position of sunspots compared to images below taken on 12th July)




12 July 2012:

Biggest Sunspots i have ever seen....!!!

Sunspot 1518, 1519, 1520,1521.

I was able to see it through Canon SX150IS camera and a Mylar filter.....
